Law of the needy
Full cost of living for patients, orphans, widows, seniors and the sick and disabled
It’s time to demonstrate kindness to the weak in our society
Naphtali Goldman Chairman of the Shema party explains
“About a year and a half ago, I spent some time working at the central bus station in Jerusalem at my wife’s jewellery store for about 8 months. The shop was on the 6th floor of the ‘tachana’ near the bus platforms.
Every day I would see sad old people rummaging through the garbage bins and looking for bottles… 70, 80, 90 year old people..… I just broke down every time I saw it…. I told myself it couldn’t be possible … Israel is a good country with good people … I thought to myself…. What is going on here… why are old people rummaging through garbage cans looking for bottles … .. So I asked around and people just laughed .. But I didn’t think it was funny at all, I did some research and I found out that the government always harms the weakest people in the Israeli society.”
Naphtali Goldman
The actions of our leaders over the past twenty years have created an evil and mean society without mercy for the sick, the elderly, the weak and the needy.
What kind of leaders would allow an old grandmother to rummage through bins looking for bottles to sell…. This is a disgrace to Israel
Israel is the 11th most important economy in the world – this situation in Israel makes no sense
We need to change the direction immediately for all of Israeli society … We need to start helping our weakest and poorest … We need to show kindness …
As a government we would implement the following
Full cost of living for the sick and disabled, orphans, widows, seniors
Significant increase in drug basket budget
University / Career Subsidies for citizens who have completed National Service
Assistance for young people (21 – 35 years old) to purchase apartments
Change of Laws with regard foreign workers, to the benefit of the employer
It is time to demonstrate and do kindness for the weakest people in our society
So of course the million dollar question… can we finance all this ? … because these things really cost money
So… we have a plan on how to finance our proposals …… ..
Click here to find out how we plan to fund it
Subsidized housing and University / Career Development free of charge for all Israelis completing full national service

Written by Naphtali Goldman
The plan is to offer all people who successfully complete national service free higher education
Currently Israel has one of the highest levels of higher education per capita in the world
To achieve global business leadership we need our youth to be educated
The idea is to educate to the highest level our talented youth and make them industrialists and business leaders of the future
Universities will offer free degree courses in computer science, medicine, cyber technology, biotechnology, engineering, law, business management, economics, robotics, etc
After successful completion of the selected degree, the State of Israel will assist our young adults in opening a business that will trade internationally
This will make Israel a global powerhouse and will generate tremendous economic success for the State of Israel
Assistance to purchase housing for all Israelis who complete full national service (21 – 35 year old)
After a student completes full national service and completes the study paths he/she chose for free, in the event of his marriage to his partner , they will be offered an apartment in the Central Israel area to purchase
In Tel Aviv, Jerusalem, Bnei Barak, Rishon etc…
The purchase price of the apartment will be offered at a significant discount
The deposit on the mortgage for the apartment will be no more than ten percent
The young couple will live comfortably in this apartment and raise their family there
This property must not be sold or rented out for 15 years. These apartments are especially designed for young couples to live in a brand new apartment in central Israel
There are two reasons why the young couple may not sell or rent out the property for the specified period of time
The first reason is to ensure that there is no negative financial impact on the current real estate market
The second reason is to ensure that as a state we maintain our most important asset, our children within Israel.
We will assist our young adults and by doing so we will make Israel the most attractive place to work and live with a discounted mortgage and cheap purchase prices for new apartments. The overall idea is to ensure that we retain our talented young people in Israel
Our talented young people will help make the State of Israel a world leader amongst nations.
How we will finance our proposals and Ideas
How exactly will we pay for the proposals we recommend and how will create a vibrant and prosperous economy ?
It is important to emphasize that the economy is in good shape
We have no intention of dramatically changing anything in the economy
The Likud Party has prepared a budget for 2020 of NIS 479 billion, which we would adopt and adjust (not including the 80 billion NIS for handling the corona virus crisis).
The extra funds we need to fund our programs to help those in need and give free university and subsidised housing will be raised as follows
Plan 1
The army holds about 39% of all Israeli land
Much of these lands are found in areas where land is of great value
Examples of areas are city centres properties within Tel Aviv, Bnei Barak and Jerusalem
We suggest moving these military bases to more remote locations outside of these high value areas to areas closer to the suburbs.
We will sell or lease the land to major real estate developers from the US, Israel and Europe
Hundreds of thousands of apartments will be built on this land
It will raise funds and encourage huge external and internal investments that will have a significant positive impact on the entire Israeli economy
In addition, it will significantly increase housing for our youth to encourage them to stay and build their families in Israel.
We will create a scheme that will enable young people who have completed national service to receive preferential prices and purchase rights for these apartments. These properties will be in prime locations
Plan 2
Planning Limitations – The IDF limits the use of 40% of Israel’s land (this is above and beyond the land that it owns). The IDF limits planning for civilian needs
We would ditto the above scheme with parts of this land allowing for huge external and internal investment that will have a significant positive impact on the entire Israeli economy.
Plan 3
Income from the Leviatan Gas project.
As you can see, we have put forward several realistic ideas on how to raise the funds we need to help those in need, finance university study for free and finance subsidized housing for young Israelis.
It is important to note that the fact that we would be creating a more educated and more capable workforce through free university and giving assistance to these youngsters in opening up internationally trading businesses will in itself lead to a huge increase in GDP for the Israeli society in the future.
All in all, the overall price of our proposals is simply moving army bases from one place to another and developing the valuable inner city land.

Long-term economic plan
The overall plan
We intend to create free universities for Israeli citizens who have completed national service. These will specialize in the sciences, computers, programming, biotechnology, medicine, etc. Graduates will be assisted in buying apartments at preferential rates to enable them to establish their families in Israel. This generation of Israelis will be business leaders and entrepreneurs and create a vibrant economy over time in Israel